The next NFT bull market, in the Base ecosystem?

24-04-07 13:35
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At the end of March, Sartoshi, the founder of the well-known NFT project Mfers, announced that he would issue Mfer's meme token mfercoin on Base, which not only brought new vitality to the Mfer community, but also opened another door for the entire NFT community.

Related reading: "100 times in 6 hours, the founder of mfers continued to perform "BOME God Plate" in the Base ecosystem"

During the holidays, Base's NFT performance was very impressive. Newly launched NFTs, led by based punks, Degens by doy, and BasedBuddies, were very actively traded on Opensea, and the price of based punks rose from around 0.018ETH at the opening to nearly 0.9ETH.

Most of the NFTs on Base originated from Frame on Warpcast. Thanks to the low-cost and simple interaction, the life cycle of many NFT collections is relatively short. The current price performance of NFTs launched earlier, such as onchain gaias and Based Mfers, is also worthy of attention. The "calling order" of Jesse, the head of the Base protocol, is also a key factor in determining whether these NFTs are out of the circle.

When it comes to NFTs on Base, we have to mention Zora, the L2 designed for art, which is also closely bound to the Farcaster protocol. There are countless NFT activities on Zora, and it is even praised by the community as a "pure consumption chain, just come here to spend money." The Farcaster OG NFT series hit a record high during the Farcaster fomo wave in February, and the floor price has exceeded 4ETH again recently as the market has soared.

Base and Zora are closely linked to the Farcaster protocol, and since its front-end application warpcast launched the Frame function, mint NFT has deservedly become one of the most practical functions.

Some time ago, Jesse asked on social media if anyone was developing NFT trading tools on Base, which shows that the current NFT craze on Base has just started. With the community power of Warpcast and the previous deep Build culture of Base and Zora, I believe that more interesting things will continue to be produced here.

In addition to the endless stream of interesting NFTs, new meme sales channels have also been born on Warpcast. Recently, the crowdfunding platform Party launched a new feature Token Launcher, in which participants can jointly invest in ETH to create a new coin and programmatically ensure that everyone can share fairly. Bankless author William M. Peaster believes that Party’s new features may mean a major change for meme coin enthusiasts in the context of the increasingly unreliable pre-sale of meme coins.

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