Bitcoin Runes Protocol is launched, which projects are worth paying attention to?

24-04-22 11:45
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Original title: "Three Major Rune Investment Opportunities"
Original author: Ash, Bitcoin Square

It has been almost a day and a half since the launch of the Runes protocol yesterday. Whether in the group or in the space, everyone is waiting for the countdown to the stage of starting to play runes with high gas. It's a bit like celebrating a festival. Now there are more than 4700 rune projects online, and the mining fee has dropped a lot compared to yesterday. We can calm down and sort out the rune projects and investment suggestions, which can be divided into three categories of opportunities:

1. Runes 0-9

0/ UNCOMMON•GOODS is deployed by @rodarmor casey, with a total of 4 years of unlimited participation, a bit like sats in brc20, with a large total amount and the best narrative. After all, it is rune 0, it is recommended that you can gas

1/ Z•Z•Z•Z•Z•FEHU•Z•Z•Z•Z•Z Rune No. 1 also experienced an oolong incident yesterday. At first, everyone thought it was @FehuLayer. At the same time, I also saw the tweets in March. The project party is collecting the addresses of ORDI, Runestone and RSIC holders. The task ends on April 30. If you are interested, you can participate, but it is definitely not Rune No. 1. The real deployer is @RuneFehu. The authenticity was confirmed on the chain yesterday afternoon, but the project party has only introduced how it deployed it, and has not yet announced the details of the next step.

2/ DECENTRALIZED @CyberKongz The project has mined all the tokens for airdrops. It is the latest project to enter pre runes. The very first NFT was airdropped. The free ones are the most expensive. I grabbed the No. 2 rune when the rune was launched. The price of NFT has also risen sharply, and the floor has increased by 2-3 times. It will be airdropped to the holders. Compared with other projects, it is very large. The official announced that @decentralized02 is the Twitter account of the rune DECENTRALIZED. No snapshot has been taken yet, so you can continue to pay attention.

3/ DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON @LeonidasNFT Runestone project will be 100% airdropped to Runestone holders. The snapshot will be taken at block 840269. As the most popular pre-runes project, many projects whitelist or airdrop to Runestone holders. Currently, the price of NFT has not changed significantly. You can look forward to this project and the subsequent Rune tokens.

4/ THE•RUNIX•TOKEN @BVMnetwork is working on Bitcoin’s L2. Last week, it also worked with io to explore AI’s BTC L2. This rune is a project of RuneChain under BVM. Its NFT Runer holders need to connect Runers to RuneChain to start activating mining capabilities. After activation, this NFT asset cannot be seen in the wallet. When deactivated, it will be bridged from RuneChain to the Bitcoin wallet. The official website has opened the rune Swap function. There are various ways to play.

5/ DOG•DOG•DOG•DOG•DOG, an anonymous team, currently all pre-mined, no more details.

6/ SATOSHI•NAKAMOTO Anonymous team, there are signs of a leader, first of all, the name is Satoshi Nakamoto, secondly, it is the rune with the least reserved 20% among the top 10 tickers, and it is also the rune with the most currency addresses at present, which is close to 20,000. It is the rune with the largest trading volume this day, and it was also launched on the Gate exchange at noon today. The current floor price is 9450 sats, and the market value is 120M.

7/ MEME•ECONOMICS Anonymous team, 20% reserved, the total amount is large, and the number of wallet addresses is only more than 3,500, so it is not recommended to participate.

8/ RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE @rune_coin is fully reserved by the RSIC METAPROTOCOL project, and will be airdropped to NFT users who have mined before according to the points. This morning, the project team started to distribute airdrops with high gas costs, costing more than 6 BTC. A single number can get a profit of about 10,000 U. In the afternoon, there was a wave of selling pressure and the number of wallet addresses was second only to Rune No. 6, with more than 11,000. The current price is around 18sats, with a market value of about 260 million. There are various ways to play, including rarity, bonus mining, and lottery. The project team also plans to carry out the second phase of activities.

9/ LOBO•THE•WOLF•PUP The project team is @_BuoyantCapital, and will airdrop all of them to Runestone and Rune Doors holders. The floor price of Rune Doors' NFT has also increased fivefold since the announcement.


1/ COOK•THE•MEMPOOL: No. 37, fair mint is not reserved, mint has not started yet, limited time but not limited quantity, mint blocks are 844032–848064, there are about 4000 blocks left, please pay attention.

2/ WANKO•MANKO•RUNES: Casey commented and tweeted to express his appreciation for the rune, fair limited-time mint, total 7525, holding addresses 1800+, after the project party retweeted the tweet, the rune price soared, about 5 times a day.

3/ INU•NI•MAKEMASEN: Casey posted this full name in the comment of WANKO's tweet, 1% reserved, total 20790, holding addresses 2800+, market value 60w.

4/ ORDINALS•ARE•DEAD This afternoon, Leonidas tweeted that it is also a meme that everyone often talks about. The high gas soon ended the mint, the total amount is 66666, and the number of currency holding addresses is 6000+.

Three, Community

In the past two weeks, the strong community and purchasing power of the puppets and wizards in BRC-20 caused the price of inscriptions to soar. Each community also announced the distribution of runes after owning BRC-20 inscriptions and NFTs. You can continue to pay attention to the 13th rune PUPS•WORLD•PEACE, the 17th rune MAGIC•INTERNET•MONEY, and whether there are any latest developments on its Twitter and Discord.

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