Ethereum core developers’ latest meeting summary: The next dedicated testnet for the Pectra upgrade will be launched next week

24-06-21 11:17
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Original title: 《Ethereum All Core Developers Execution Call #190 Writeup》
Original author: Christine Kim
Original translation: Lucy, BlockBeats

Editor's note:
The Ethereum All Core Developers Execution Call (ACDE) is held every two weeks to discuss and coordinate changes to the Ethereum Execution Layer (EL). This is the 190th ACDE call, at which EIP 7251 and 7702, Ethereum Virtual Object Format (EOF), and PeerDAS were discussed.

During the meeting, Beiko also proposed a new EIP discussion template and emphasized the importance of the Ethereum developer resource page "eth-clients". Christine Kim, vice president of research at Galaxy Digital, took a detailed note of the key points of the meeting, and BlockBeasts compiled the original text as follows:

On June 20, 2024, Ethereum developers gathered on Zoom for the All Core Developers Execution (ACDE) call #190 meeting. The ACDE call is a biweekly series of meetings hosted by Tim Beiko, head of protocol support at the Ethereum Foundation, where developers discuss and coordinate changes to the Ethereum Execution Layer (EL).

This week, developers presented their progress in implementing various code changes, including Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) 7251 and 7702, as well as the Ethereum Virtual Object Format (EOF) and PeerDAS.

Beiko also shared a suggested template for EIP discussions, and EF Development Operations Engineer Parithosh Jayanthi introduced a new GitHub page called "eth-clients" for configuration of Ethereum mainnet and testnet. Finally, Beiko reminded the team that the next ACDE call will be held on the US holiday of July 4. Although he will not attend the meeting, EF researcher Alex Stokes will host the meeting in his place.

Pectra Devnet 1

Developers started the meeting by discussing Pectra Devnet 1. Developers aim to launch the next dedicated testnet for the Pectra upgrade next week. Compared to the previous testnet Devnet 0, the new testnet has the following major specification changes:

· Added EL-triggered validator merges

· Replaced EIP 3074 with EIP 7702

The EL client team is moving forward with their Devnet 1 implementation. Representatives from each of the major Ethereum EL teams shared their latest progress:

· Besu: The first version of their Devnet 1 implementation is ready, but there are still some tests missing and the team has questions about the specifications of how gas pricing operates.

· Nethermind: They are reviewing their Devnet 1 implementation, merging various code changes and software branches, and writing test cases.

· Erigon: They have a draft implementation of EIP 7702 and are reviewing the latest changes from EIP 7251, which adds EL-triggered validator merges.

· Reth: Their Devnet 1 implementation should be completed before the next ACD meeting.

· EthereumJS: The team is working on an implementation of EIP 7702 and expects to have Devnet 1 ready in about a week.

· Geth: The team is also working on an implementation of EIP 7702.

As the client teams were sharing their progress, a developer named "Racytech" asked if the EOF implementation would be left out of Devnet 1. Beiko confirmed that EOF would not be tested on Devnet 1, and that the EOF implementation should be based on the latest Pectra spec, not the final Deneb spec. EF DevOps engineer Barnabas Busa stressed that this strategy would make debugging EOF more difficult, as the Pectra spec is changing and being debugged at the same time. "Even so, it's still the right thing to do, because we want the team to work on the core Pectra EIPs and fix those bugs. So, it makes more sense than basing on the previous fork and then on Prague in the final stages, and finding all those bugs," Beiko said. Prague is the EL name for the Pectra upgrade.

EIP 7702 Update

While developers are working to implement EIP 7702 in Devnet 1, it is possible that the code will require significant changes to support the new features, specifically the ability for users to revoke EIP 7702 transaction authorization.

A Geth developer named "Lightclient" has proposed a new change to support EIP 7702 revocation. He explained: "It's not easy to see what authorizations you have in effect at any time, and it's also hard to know which ones have been revoked and which ones haven't. There are design patterns that avoid these situations, but in reality we may not know how wallets will use this feature. For better defense, I remember Vitalik mentioned in the last conference call, or in a breakout room, that instead of making authorizations temporary transactions that must be included in transactions, we can save these authorizations so that you can always see which codes are assigned to an account."

A developer named "Arik" said he prefers the current version of EIP 7702 to the changes proposed by Lightclient. Arik said that there will be some specific use cases under the new EIP 7702. Lightclient refuted these comments, saying that all the use cases supported by the old version of EIP 7702 are still retained, and a strong revocable mechanism has been added. However, Lightclient also pointed out that these changes make the implementation of EIP in the client more complicated. Beiko said in the meeting chat box that finalizing the design of EIP 7702 is Pectra's "number one unresolved spec issue," and suggested that developers organize another breakout call to reach consensus on its revocation mechanism. "It would be great if by the next meeting we have a version that everyone is generally happy with, either this or a tweaked version of it, that can be part of Devnet 2," Beiko said.

Besu developer Daniel Lehrner questioned whether developers should spend time implementing the current version of EIP 7702 in Devnet 1 if the spec is likely to change in Devnet 2. "The proposals are fairly different, so we might implement something that we have to partially throw away in a few weeks because 7702 changes again," he said. Richard Meissner, co-founder of crypto wallet Safe, said that in his opinion it would be helpful for the wallet team to implement some version of EIP 7702 on the testnet. Beiko added that implementation of EIP 7702 in its current form would not significantly delay progress for client teams in his opinion, and that it could create complications for Devnet 1 if developers tried to remove it from the Pectra spec now.

EOF Update

Speaking of EOF, Busa said his team will test the EOF implementation after implementing other Pectra code changes. EOF readiness is tracked on GitHub. Currently, two EL client teams, Besu and Reth, have implemented all EOF EIPs, while other teams are still working on implementing all EOF EIPs. A representative from the Erigon team noted that additional test cases simulating Ethereum blocks containing EOF transactions would be useful. Mario Vega, a member of the EF testing team, said in the chat that his team is publishing more EOF tests and will share more at the next EOF breakout meeting. Independent Ethereum protocol developer Danno Ferrin said that now that the EOF spec is finalized, EOF calls have been moved from weekly to bi-weekly, with the current focus of EOF work on testing and client implementations.

PeerDAS Update

Busa gave a brief update on the progress of the PeerDAS implementation work. He said the next PeerDAS Devnet will be live in one to two weeks. As discussed at the last ACDC meeting, PeerDAS will be developed based on the finalized Dencun spec instead of the Pectra spec.


Beiko proposed a new default template for EIP authors to use in Ethereum Magicians posts. This new template is intended to promote high-quality reviews of EIPs.

Jayanthi introduced the "eth-clients" GitHub page, which provides a variety of resources for Ethereum developers, including the specification configuration of the Ethereum testnet and mainnet. Currently, the page is maintained by representatives of all CL client teams. Jayanthi called on representatives of EL client teams to volunteer to help maintain this GitHub page.

Lightclient asked about the progress of the client team on the work on historical data expiration. No updates were shared in this meeting.

Beiko said he would not host the next ACDE call on July 4, a US holiday. EF researcher Alex Stokes will host the call in his place.

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