Talk to DeFi expert Arthur0x about the top 20 projects in the DeFi field
Episode Summary
After discussing the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization in the previous issue, many users asked to talk about projects in the DeFi space. In order to discuss this issue, this podcast invites Arthur0x, a well-known expert in the DeFi field.
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Thinking about GameStop's killing, small investors will end up in tears?
Hasu and Su Zhu discuss the Wall Street game and the rise of financial populism. As one of the most experienced market players I know, Su has a unique perspective on the story behind GameStop's success. We’ll explore why he thinks small investors will end up in tears, the hidden rules of the traditional financial system have been exposed to all, and how this all validates the future of crypto and DeFi at scale.
49分00秒 2021-03-02
Single Episode:9