Dialogue with Steve, the head of DoraHacks: talk about how Filecoin Grant helps the ecological development
Episode Summary
The guest of this podcast is Steve, the head of DoraHacks. DoraHacks is one of the world's largest hacker communities and one of the most active hackathon organizers in the world. In this episode of the podcast, the host and guests discuss the special projects in Filecoin Grant, and give some suggestions on Filecoin's current ecological infrastructure construction.
Next Episode
What are the characteristics of NFT and Metaverse based on IPFS distributed storage technology?
From the launch of the mainnet to the present, the ecological application of Filecoin is in full bloom, realizing the interconnection between distributed storage technology and the real world. In this issue, we will discuss with Karl, the founder of FIL Wallet, the most popular "NFT" and "Metaverse". So what are the characteristics of NFT and metaverse built on IPFS distributed storage technology? Welcome to this episode of the podcast.
23分06秒 2021-08-17
Single Episode:4