SBF lawyer: SBF never squandered and persisted until the last moment in the FTX incident

2024-03-28 22:35
According to BlockBeats, on March 28, SBF's lawyer Mukasey continued to defend in court from the perspective of "SBF did not deliberately do evil." The lawyer said that SBF was misunderstood, and it was easy for people to fall into the old story of greedy scammers, but SBF actually never spent money indiscriminately. He (in the FTX incident) persisted until the last moment. He will tell you how important it is for people to get rewards. SBF is a clumsy math nerd, a vegetarian, a billionaire with extraordinary talents who does not care about material wealth. In middle school, SBF thought about his moral obligations to people around the world.
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