Blockaid: Half of Solana pre-sale tokens launched between November and February were malicious

2024-04-08 15:41
BlockBeats news, April 8, according to Unchained Crypto, according to data from blockchain security company Blockaid, 50% of pre-sale tokens launched in the Solana ecosystem between November last year and February this year were malicious. The data highlights two key factors that helped the scam spread in the Solana ecosystem. Blockaid co-founder Ben-Natan said that first, driven by the popularity of legitimate meme coins, the number of pre-sale tokens in February and March increased exponentially, providing opportunities for scammers; in addition, scammers are good at taking advantage of user FOMO emotions and adopting complex strategies such as imitating legitimate transactions and creating deceptive websites. These findings highlight the need for the Solana ecosystem to strengthen security measures. The study was released at a time when Solana's performance in processing transactions was affected by the popularity of Meme coins and the large amount of spam sent by programmatic trading robots to the blockchain network.
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