A whale increased its holdings by 3,278 ETH at an average price of $3,050, and now holds more than 86,000 ETH

2024-04-17 20:50
According to BlockBeats, on April 17, according to @EmberCN monitoring, 40 minutes ago, the whale who had been withdrawing ETH and stablecoins from Binance recently spent 10 million USDT on the chain to buy 3,278 ETH, with an average price of $3,050. The whale has been withdrawing ETH and stablecoins from Binance since April 1, and has withdrawn 69,388 ETH and 265.8 million stablecoins from Binance so far; On April 14, 70 million USDC was used to buy 23,790 ETH on the chain (but 10,000 of them were sold more than ten hours later for a profit of $1.15 million); The whale currently holds 86,457 ETH (about $262 million), with an average price of $3,170; and 217 million stablecoins.
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