Gossamer Seed: Bringing NFTs to Hollywood

22-06-27 14:00
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Written by: 0xLaughing, Rhythm BlockBeats

The NFT market this week is hot. The "Super Bowl" NFT.NYC event, which Coinbase calls the NFT session, is in full swing in New York, attracting NFT players from all over the world to come to "pilgrimage". This is a good time for NFT projects to promote themselves. At this important time node, an NFT project called "Gossamer Seed" is emerging.

Gossamer Seed in just one week In a short period of time, from Free Mint, which had no interest at the beginning, to the highest floor price of 0.65 ETH, the daily transaction volume once rushed to the second place on the OpenSea list, with a total market value of more than 7 million US dollars. At the beginning, there was very little information about it, and at the same time, the Free Mint market in the past month has also made everyone a little numb. Many NFT players just regard it as an ordinary "picture dog" project. Take a quick profit and get out. However, as time goes by, the giant behind it is slowly surfacing.


BRON Digital

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BRON Studios is a Canadian film company founded in 2010, a subsidiary of BRON Media, which has worked on "Joker", "The Expendables" He has been nominated for 32 Oscars and won 6 times.

In July 2020, BRON Media launched BRON Digital, a virtual production and service company that uses Unreal Engine (UE) It is currently the world's most well-known top game engine with the most extensive authorization, accounting for 80% of the global commercial game engine market share. Since its official birth in 1998, after continuous development, Unreal Engine has become the game engine with the widest range of applications in the entire game industry, the highest degree of overall application, and the highest standard of next-generation graphics.

BRON Digital combines traditional CG animation with Epic Games' Unreal Engine-centric workflow to develop and produce high-quality animation, original content, interactive games, films and other forms of creation.


The full name of DIG is Dubai Decentralized Investment Group (Dubai's Decentralized Investment Group), which is a multinational blockchain technology group holding company headquartered in Dubai, is committed to finding investment opportunities in the blockchain field.

XYZZY is a Miami-based metaverse gaming company. As a subsidiary of DIG, it combines the gaming world with the DeFi world through revolutionary blockchain technology. XYZZY has developed and launched a number of GameFi games, such as Kart Racing League, Realms of Ethernity, etc., and actively explores the Play-to-Earn digital game ecology in terms of NFT digital assets, virtual land, token economics and other Crypto products system.

Lois Lowry's short story Gossamer

Gossamer is the famous A short teen fantasy by author Lois Lowry. Lois Lowry has won the Newbery Gold Medal for Children's Literature twice with "Counting the Stars" and "Teacher of Memory". Gossamer, on the other hand, tells the story of the origin of a dream. The story begins with a fairy-like supernatural creature named Littlest One who extracts memories from common household objects and uses them to weave beautiful dreams.

Gossamer = Animation + Character NFT + Play-to-Earn Game



June 1 4 days BRON at VARITY exclusive report announced that Gossamer will be presented by BRON Media and BRON Digital adapted for animation using Epic Game's Unreal Engine. This animated work consists of 8 episodes, each consisting of a half-hour animated short.

Forest Whitaker, Thomasin McKenzie, Vera Farmiga, Richard E. Grant and many other well-known actors participated in the dubbing, including Oscar winners.

Grammy award winning Gary Marella, artist and producer of Timbaland and co-founder of Beatclub is the executive musical director of the production, and Beatclub artists, producers and songwriters will provide the score for Gossamer.

Character NFT and Play-to-Earn Games

The total number of Gossamer Seeds is 10,000, all of which are sold by Free Mint. Gossamer Seed's On-chain transaction records It can be seen that the contract was deployed on June 15th, and Mint was not completed until June 18th. After Mint ended, Gossamer's official first tweet came late, implying that this NFT is going to " "The Heap" (Gossamer's original protagonist's hometown), and announced that there will be further action on June 22.

Thereafter, accompanied by Gossamer officer In the "Check your wallet" released by the push, the form of Gossamer Seed changed twice: first it changed into a "cocoon" form, and then "hatched" into the image of a firefly. In the Latest News published on the official Twitter on June 24th, it was revealed that there is still a "last evolution", and there will be Learn more about The World of Gossamer.

In fact, this release It's not just a whim. Back on June 11th, Bron Studios officially announced the CEO of DIG Haydn Snape has joined the BRON team, and he will act as a consultant for its entry into the Web3 field, providing strategic support for BRON IP in terms of NFT, tokens and markets.

The official announcement also foreshadows that the two companies will also collaborate on the development of interactive games through XYZZY, DIG's Miami-based GameFi subsidiary.

Meanwhile, in the official press release reveals that Gossamer Seed is a character NFT collection and that a Play-to-Earn game based on the animated show will be developed.

Before this press release , The official tweet on June 23 has hinted that Gossamer Seed NFT may be used in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, MMORPG).

Accompanied by this news release, Gossamer Seed soared. In just three hours, the floor price soared from around 0.3 ETH to 0.65 ETH.


The authoritative English dictionary "Collins English Dictionary The publisher of "HarperCollins Publishing Group, founded in 1819, has selected the term NFT as the English vocabulary of the year in 2021, which confirms to a certain extent that NFT is becoming more and more well-known and accepted by the public. As the NFT market becomes more and more popular, a large number of business giants, financial institutions and celebrities have entered the market one after another, causing a continuous influx of New money into the NFT market.

Now, Hollywood's BRON Digital is here too.

Traditional media giants and Web3 pioneers have joined forces, and NFT and GameFi will enter the big screen. And XYZZY will represent DIG and Bron Digital to create the future of multimedia by applying the new financial architecture of Web3 thinking to the Hollywood world. Their game, the first P2E game based on a TV show, could reshape the way users engage with content.

Interestingly, deploying Gossamer Nearly 2.9 million USDC is reserved in the wallet account of the Seed contract. The specific purpose is still unknown, but we are sure that the "evolution" time after time will slowly reveal the answer.

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