What are writers reading in the newsroom this week?

22-08-07 13:50
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In the market downturn, we say goodbye to the impetuous story, back to the content itself. Every week, the guys at BlockBeats give readers a list of what they think is best and why. You can also join the BlockBeats community and Discord. This recommendation is only for exchange and learning, and does not make any investment advice. If you also have good articles to recommend, welcome to contact us through the following ways.

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The following is the editorial recommendations for this issue.

Recommended Articles:Why NFT Creators Are Going CC0

Referee: Peter Pan

Reasons for recommendation:In contrast to many classic intellectual property (IP) strategies, experimentation and reorganization can sometimes increase the value of IP, and this is a central dynamic of the open source movement, which explicitly allows the public to build on (or fork and copy) existing technologies. A big part of what makes successful open source software projects such as Android, Linux, and others so competitive is their embrace of such permissionless innovation.

Crypto's success in attracting public development is also due to its general acceptance of open source and "mash-up culture", which is especially true for some of the NFT community. And by distributing digital works under a Creative Commons Zero license (CC0: a rights waiver tool launched in 2009), creators can intentionally opt out of "no rights," an option that allows anyone to create derivative works and profit from these efforts without fear of legal repercussions.

Why are more and more NFT creators taking the CC0 path?  

One simple reason can be said to be "for culture" -- to promote the expansion of the original project to create a more vibrant and engaged community. This makes particular sense in the context of encryption, where open sharing and finding and building communities are part of these core ideas.

Recommended Article:"TikTok Insider: Zhang Yiming's epic journey"

Recommended by: Crescent

Reasons for recommendation:In this paper, the characters are depicted in simple language, and the readers can draw a three-dimensional image of the characters in their minds from their every move and every little thing, so that they can be more easily immersed in the story described by the author. TikTok's rise in each country, the economic storm, the blocking and containment of the head organization, the impact of the epidemic, the political storm and the personnel management caused by different cultures in each country were described successively.

Recommended Article:"Web3 History of Decentralized storage Evolution"

Recommender: 0x76

Reasons for recommendation:This article is a comprehensive overview of current storage projects. Although the analysis of specific projects is not in-depth, it should serve as a primer for readers who are not familiar with the decentralized storage circuit.

Recommended Articles:Toys, Secrets and Cycles

Narrator: 0xLaughing

Reasons for recommendation:This post is A16Z partner Chris Dixon's review of Web2's budding days, or a bear market massage.

During the dotcom bust of the early 2000s, Internet users spent an average of about 30 minutes online, compared with seven hours today. When the PEW RESEARCH CENTER published a survey about broadband, most Americans didn't think it was necessary to make broadband faster. After all, the most popular application at the time was E-mail.

Twenty years have passed, and now, just like then, we are in the midst of a crypto winter. Dixon starts from the relationship between product and financial cycle. He believes that product cycle follows its own internal logic and is often more predictable than financial cycle. Today's technology is very different from that of the 2000s. A handful of established tech companies dominate the Internet and exert enormous economic and cultural influence. The next best thing may be Crypto and Web3.

Countless breakthrough technologies are hatched in garages and dorm rooms, even if they start out as toys. Bears are more focused on product cycles and long-term visions. "Cynics look smart, but optimists are building the future."

Recommended Article:"It's time for DAOs to get a little more boring""OG players take you into the famous DAO see | Web3.0 Master Class (stage 4)"

Recommended by: 0x137

Reasons for recommendation:When we talk about DAOs, we always think of innovative mechanisms, selfless member contributions, and a bright future for work. But slowly we will see that if DAOs really want to replace the corporate system and become the "savior" of everyone's decentralized work, they will not be powered by love alone. What about salary? What about compliance? What about holidays, allowances, or even pensions? These are very real issues that the DAO organization needs to consider.

For the DAO to have a robust future, we must think about these "boring" questions. These two articles, one explains the problems and future possibilities of DAO from the above aspects, and the other one walks into well-known DAO organizations with OG DAO participants Wang Chao and Shawn to understand how cutting-edge DAOs solve these problems, which is worth reading.

Recommended Article:"Web3 -- Will it be the time We Think it will be?"

Referee: Zhang Wenwen

Reasons for recommendation:The market has been using blockchain to compare the early Internet, saying that the industry is still early, to have faith. So which of the various scenarios we are imagining are possible and which are not? Blockchain is not a panacea, many new people may still have a bit of extreme belief psychology, this podcast is very objective.

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