What are writers reading in the newsroom this week?

22-10-30 16:01
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In the market downturn, we say goodbye to the impetuous story, back to the content itself. Every week, the guys at BlockBeats give readers a list of what they think is best and why. You can also join the BlockBeats community and Discord. This recommendation is only for exchange and learning, and does not make any investment advice. If you also have good articles to recommend, welcome to contact us through the following ways.

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Recommended Article:"On the transition layer of Web2.5 games: great games, do not do multiple choice"


Reasons for recommendation:Axie Infinity exploded in Southeast Asia before, and Stepn launched the Web3 movement wave later. However, after the uproar, the chain swim out of the circle still could not break through. What exactly is missing? The "quality", "infrastructure", and "model" groups all have their own opinions. These ideas are put into a concept called the "Web2.5 gaming transition layer", which can be summarized as: low barriers to entry bring Web2 gamers into Web3, with GameFi's money effect and NFT assets as the highlights, attracting more people to participate.

The author discusses the architecture of "Web2.5 game transition layer" from the aspects of platform, tools, game architecture, game play, Token economy, ideological enlightenment and so on, and discusses a variety of feasible schemes of "one foot at the door" from Web2 to Web3 games.

Recommended Articles:Understanding Dynamic NFT in One Article


Reasons for recommendation:Those of you who play games have probably heard of dynamic NFT. Metadata is the core of NFT, and the content in metadata guarantees the function of NFT. In dynamic NFTS, the metadata of the NFT is constantly updated, so the attributes of the NFT are also constantly updated.

Case in point: basketball player Lamelo Ball's NFT is a typical use case for dynamic NFT. If Lamelo Ball wins NBA Rookie of the Year for 2021, the NFT will change accordingly. In the end, Lamelo won the Rookie award, so the NFT was upgraded. This NFT is constantly updated based on external data. Lamelo's match stats are continuously uploaded to the on-chain NFTS and trigger features such as visual upgrades and rewards.

Recommended Article:"Understand zkSync evolution and the future: zkSync1.0, zkSync2.0, and Layer3"

References:Than a pan

Reasons for recommendation:This article details the evolution and future development of zkSync. Launched by Matter Labs in 2020, zkSync 1.0 is a zero-knowledge rollup (ZKR) that relies on Ethereum's security and is primarily used for Token exchange or transfer. It does not support smart contracts, so today the offerings on zkSync 1.0 are limited, which also results in a low adoption rate compared to other Ethereum scaling solutions.

zkSync 2.0, which uses zkEVM to solve this problem, was launched on October 28. Currently, zkEVM is the main L2 narrative, but more notable is zkPorter from zkSync. While zkEVM will bring an order of magnitude of expansion to Ethereum, ZKR still needs to publish data onto the Ethereum base layer, which reduces their potential scale.

The introduction of zkPorter will place zkEVM of zkSync firmly in the volition category, meaning that users can decide whether to store their data on or off the chain, and users who prioritize security over throughput and very low transaction fees will choose to conduct activities on rollup, To ensure data availability.

In addition, Matter Labs also announced the launch of L3 powered by its zkEVM in the first quarter of 2023. ZKR L3, dubbed "Opportunity, "may be the first L3 ever to be launched on a test network, with the vision of an infinite number of fully customizable" hyperchains, "all connected to each other via native Bridges, bringing the idea of secure interoperability to reality.

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Reasons for recommendation:Continue to recommend learning videos. The explanation of the underlying technology of the whole blockchain introduced by Li Bai in the coin circle is good, and readers who have time can use it to supplement the basic knowledge.

Recommended Article:"The Episode of Everything: Balaji on Bitcoin and Ethereum, Media Self-Defense, Drone Warfare, Crypto Oracles, India as Dark Horse, The Pseudonymous Economy, Beautiful Trouble, Ramanujan, Life Extension, and More"


Reasons for recommendation:The EthSign Interview mentioned the concept of Network State proposed by angel investor Balaji Srinivasan. I found Balaji's podcast in 2021, which was very long and informative. "Balaji and the Book of Uneasiness"The first half of this article summarizes several takeaways for reference.

Recommended Article:"Everything about Web3 marketing"


Reasons for recommendation:As Web2 moves into Web3, the industry practitioners are becoming more formalized and professional. Compared with traditional domains, native encryption users have a closer relationship with product and project teams, which requires a higher level and density of team operations and community maintenance. But everything changes, and after decades of development, the basic theory of marketing hasn't changed much. The essence of marketing is the grasp and analysis of human nature. This paper systematically elaborates the basic theories and methods of marketing clearly, and combines the characteristics of web3 itself to provide classic cases to help Web3 operators better fit users, promote products and expand the market.

Recommended articles:  youtube -- Rex on Blockchain


Reasons for recommendation:Recently I've been listening to this youtuber explain the basics of blockchain and check the gaps. I recommend this to you because the blogger will break a piece of knowledge into pieces and explain it to you. He is good at using figurative sentences, which is very easy to understand and remember. And not slow or fast. Suitable for beginners who are still in the basic stage of learning.

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