Created on 2023-05-21 00:34
Original author: @0xCygaar
Original translation: Jaleel, cookie, BlockBeats

Editor's note: Just over an hour ago, the project team behind the "meme dragon" $BALD on Coinbase's Layer2 network Base suddenly withdrew a total of 8,660 ETH and 179 million $BALD liquidity within 7 minutes. The price of $BALD fell sharply, with a maximum drop of 80%.

Although the project team added back 400 ETH liquidity in the following half hour, it was too little too late to restore shattered confidence. Due to the lack of cross-chain deposit and withdrawal on the front-end of the Base network, panic spread quietly among investors who feared they would not be able to withdraw their ETH to the main network. There were even voices outside the scene calling for discounted purchases of ETH on the Base network.

In fact, although there is no front-end recharge and withdrawal page, it is still possible to withdraw ETH across chains to the Base network now, so there is no need to panic. However, currently, it is necessary to install git and golang on the PC to run the withdrawal script. Due to the complexity of the process, it is strongly recommended to wait for Coinbase to release the official cross-chain bridge front-end. This guide is designed for those who absolutely need to bridge now and do not want to wait for the official bridge UI to come out.

This article was written by @0xCygaar on July 31st. The following is the original translation by BlockBeats:

Nowadays, everyone claims that bridging to the Base chain is a one-way process and cannot withdraw funds. But is this true?

In fact, we can use the native withdrawal process to retrieve funds back to the mainnet after 7 days. If you need to bridge back to Ethereum, here is a comprehensive guide:

Base Chain is essentially a 1-to-1 fork of Optimism, which means we can leverage all the features that OP has. This includes a local withdrawal process that allows you to move ETH from Base back to the mainnet. The downside is that due to the challenge period, this takes 7 days.

Why does it take 7 days? Because Optimistic Rollups requires enough time to challenge potential fraudulent claims. Due to this 7-day deadline, most people will use third-party bridging to bridge back to the main network faster. However, local withdrawal methods should always be effective.

Before proceeding, please note that the second half of this guide requires you to have git and golang installed on your computer to run a script for withdrawals. If you haven't installed either of them, I suggest waiting for Coinbase to release their official bridge frontend.

Here is how you should fill in the fields:

1) withdraw - This is the amount of ETH you want to bridge back to the main network.

2) _l2Token - Using value 0xDeadDeAddeAddEAddeadDEaDDEAdDeaDDeAD0000. This is the ETH token address on Base.

3) _amount - This should be the same value as used in Part 1, but converted to wei. You can use the following link for conversion: https://eth-converter.com.

4) _minGasLimit - Input 0

5) _extraData - Input 0x

Submit the transaction and save the transaction hash. We will mention it later.

Before I explain the next step, let's talk a little bit about how OP handles withdrawals. After the Bedrock upgrade, users need to do two things before withdrawing. First, they need to submit proof to L1 that they have made a withdrawal on L2 (in this case, Base).

After this, users must wait for 7 days to allow any external party the opportunity to challenge and prove. If no challenge occurs, users can complete the withdrawal on L1. There is a great user interface on the OP mainnet to facilitate this, and for Base, we will use command line tools.

Here is the command-line tool for withdrawal written by the Base team: https://github.com/base-org/withdrawer (Thanks to @steveklbnf for this). Clone the repository locally and run "go install" in the folder. You should be able to run the withdrawal command.

README explains what needs to be done, but essentially you will run the withdrawal command with the necessary inputs - the transaction hash mentioned above, the RPC URL (you can use Alchemy/Infura), and the private key of the withdrawal account (do not share your private key anywhere). After running this command, you will receive a transaction hash. You can confirm that your proof has been submitted by searching for this transaction hash on Etherscan (for the mainnet).

Then, you must wait for 7 days before you can proceed. Once this challenge period is over, you can run the second command in the README to complete the withdrawal. The official user interface is likely to be released before then, which will make this process easier.

The OP technology stack always has a bridging method from L2 to L1, and they have created a user interface to simplify this process. This guide applies to all OP technology stack chains. For a complete explanation of the withdrawal process, please read more here: https://community.optimism.io/docs/protocol/withdrawal-flow/#

This is the complete guide on how to extract ETH from the Base chain before the official bridging UI goes live. It is not particularly difficult to withdraw ETH from the Base chain, but it does require some technical knowledge. It is important to note that this guide is intended for those who absolutely need to bridge now and do not want to wait for the official bridging UI to be released.

#Base#Optimistic Rollup
2023-07-31 23:19
Original Title: "The Complete Guide to Interaction: ConsenSys' Linea NFT Special in the 'Great Navigation Plan'"
Original Source: ODAILY Star Daily

Linea is a new zk-rollup network developed and operated by ConsenSys, which is fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Its goal is to become a "bytecode-compatible level" zkEVM, making it easier for developers to build and maintain applications on Layer 2. In December of last year, Linea launched a private test network and ran for three months, with a total transaction volume of 1.5 million.

On May 2nd of this year, Linea and Galxe officially launched the loyalty program "Linea Voyage" to encourage early users to use the public test network. The event lasts for 9 weeks, during which users can explore the Linea ecosystem, participate in weekly challenges, and collect points to receive exclusive Linea NFTs.

What is the use of NFT? Linea Voyage's ultimate goal is to prepare for the launch of the mainnet later this year through the testnet activities. To this end, the official has prepared four "versions" of NFT as incentives, and each version corresponds to the score threshold accumulated in this Voyage. In addition, if the Linea testnet exceeds 30 million transactions before the end of Voyage, the official will also provide a commemorative NFT for all participants. The commemorative NFT does not mean that there will be Linea tokens in the future (Odaily Star Daily note: In other words, the first four versions of NFT are likely to have token airdrops).

Currently, the event has been going on for two weeks. The first week was cross-chain (total score of 116 points), and the second week was community activities (15 points, even if missed, it doesn't matter). The theme of the third week's activity is NFT (May 16th to May 21st), with a total score of 109 points and a total of 20 project tasks. The partners for this week's tasks are ghostNFT, NFTs 2 me, Zonic, and Bilinear. The task link is: https://galxe.com/Linea/campaign/GCEMnUEySZ

Before starting the interaction, please make sure you have added the Lieaa test network in your MetaMask wallet (click to check network information) and obtained test coins Goerli ETH:

1) Directly receive 0.5 GETH on the Linea blockchain (click to jump), but the faucet is currently malfunctioning and awaiting repair;

2 ) Cross-chain from Goerli to Linea via GETH. For information on how to bridge assets to Linea, we recommend reading the "Linea (ConsenSys zkEVM) Testnet Interaction Guide".

Reminder: The NFT interaction process this week is very complicated. Please be patient, as many people may give up. This is the best time for you to catch up in scores. Also, the snapshot updates once every 24 hours.

NFTs 2 me (5 tasks, 28 points)

Task 1: Create and deploy a new NFT project on the Linea testnet (10 points)

Click to enter the NFTs 2 me official website (click), and connect your MateMask wallet to authorize login. NFTs 2 me provides three ways to mint NFTs, which are:

- Editions, you can create multiple NFTs with one artwork; if you don't know how to create them yourself, you can use AI assistance.

- Drops, you can choose different artworks for each NFT to form a collection.

- Generative Art, advanced mode, can be combined with the Generative Art editor to create different image layers (even using PSD) to generate thousands of different NFTs.

(Note: simply select the first "Editions" option.)

After clicking on Editions, you need to set various parameters for NFT. The specific steps are as follows: (1) Set the "Project Name", which is the name of the NFT; (2) Set the "Token Symbol", which is the future NFT collection symbol; (3) Set the "Project Description"; (4) "Add Token Media", directly upload your image or video, or click "Generate Artwork using AI" to create an image using AI based on the project name and description; (5) Click "Create Collection"; (6) Set the "Minting Fee", which is the price that other users must pay to mint NFTs. You will receive the fee for each minting. Setting it to 0 means "Free Minting"; (7) Set the "Edition Size", which is the maximum number of NFTs in the series to be minted; (8) Click "Deploy to Linea Testnet"; (9) After clicking "Deploy to Linea Testnet", the image will be uploaded to IPFS and then require confirmation of the transaction. Click "Confirm" to create a contract for the new NFT.

By now, you have deployed a new NFT project on the Linea testnet. After confirming the transaction, a control panel will appear containing information and subsequent steps related to your NFT project. You can customize and modify the address and appearance as desired. See below:

Please note that currently this NFT is still in the "Closed" minting phase. After verifying the relevant information, you can start the public minting process, which is also the second task.

Task 2: Change the stage from "Closed" to "Public" (3 points)

Click the "Dashboard" button and you will see all the projects under your account. Click on the project you created last time to open its dashboard - where you can configure smart contracts, set up coin minting pages, withdraw profits, airdrop tokens, create whitelists, set up subordinate relationships, and even enable credit card payments.

The new NFT starts from the "closed" minting phase mainly for security reasons. To change it to "public" (open), follow these steps: (1) Go to the Mint Settings option; (2) Change the phase to "Public" and then click "Update". The operation is as follows:

After clicking the button, it is necessary to send an on-chain transaction to confirm the change of contract status. Once "public" is successful, all users can mint NFTs on the minting page you set up.

Task 3: Mint at least one NFT on the project's Minting Page (5 points)

After completing the aforementioned steps, it means that the NFT smart contract has been deployed and the system will automatically create a new minting page for you. To view the minting page, go to the "Minting Page" tab under the "Overview" section in the project's dashboard menu. Here, you will see some custom options and will need to set the minting page by using certain parameters:

Collection URL, which allows you to create your own custom subdomain for your casting page.

Collection Name and Collection Description, project name and project description are usually default, but can be changed at any time;

Logo image, the image displayed on the casting page, changing it will only affect the casting page and the listings on markets such as OpenSea;

Banner image, casting floating page;

Featured image, the thumbnail displayed when sharing or bookmarking a link.

Links, you can add social links such as Twitter and Discord to the minting page.

NFT Showcase, the minting page displays or hides NFTs, and you can set a time to enable it before opening the box.

Widget Cod, if you like to host casting on your own website, you can use customizable widget code.

Remember to click "Save" after setting to avoid losing your changes. After saving the changes, click "Visit Page" to open the minting page (step 3 in the image).

At this time, in the opened page, you only need to link your wallet address, pay enough fees (Mint fee + Gas fee), and wait for the transaction to complete to mint an NFT. Those interested can also view their minted NFT in the browser.

Task 4: Send Soulbound NFT airdrop to official ENS address NFTs 2 me.eth (5 points)

Soulbound NFT (SBT) is a non-transferable NFT that can prevent the possibility of the recipient reselling it. The airdrop process for "Soulbound" on the NFTs 2 Me platform is as follows: (1) return to the dashboard of the NFT project; (2) click on the airdrop tab in the dashboard menu; (3) click the toggle button to change "transferable NFT" to "Soulbound NFT"; (4) click "add account". As shown below:

In the "Add Account" pop-up window, we need to enter the recipient's address, which should be filled in directly as nfts 2 me.eth; specify the number of NFTs for the airdrop (write any number); and click "Add to Airdrop". As shown below:

Finally, check if it is correct, then click "Send Airdrop" and confirm the pop-up on Metamask, and wait for the transaction to complete. In the example, we have already minted 1 NFT in task 3, leaving 99; after the airdrop, we will have 98 NFTs left. As shown below:

Task 5: Create a Token Gated Content (5 points)

Token gating is a control mechanism that restricts access or privileges based on a user's possession of tokens (or NFTs), thereby incentivizing long-term holders of NFTs. With token gating tools, multiple pages can be created for different gated content - for example, a universal token gating login page and individual projects - each gated content project has a public description and private information.

The specific steps are as follows: (1) Return to the project dashboard and click on the "Token Gated" option; (2) Create a public token gated login page for the token gated content - everyone can see it, so do not share any private information here; (3) Give the login page a name, in this case it is "Cat Lovers Course"; (4) Write a description that everyone will see before authentication; (5) Save the changes.

After completing the portal content login creation, we need to create the first private project (such as the first lesson of a course), click "Create New Private Project".

First, you need to set the name and URL; then, set the public description - publicly visible content that can be formatted using Markdown. The example used in the following is the course outline.

Next is to create private content that can only be unlocked by NFT holders, as shown below:

You can choose to upload images for this project, which will be used when sharing on social networks in the future:

Finally, you can choose to group the project into a group. In this case, we grouped them by "course" and listed them on the homepage.

Continue by clicking "Create Project", and you will see the newly created token access project. This task is officially completed. Of course, you can also create multiple projects, and the final result will be as follows:

The final presentation effect is that users can see some public information on the homepage, and clicking on any private project will not have any response - unless they log in through (containing NFT) wallet address to unlock private content. At this point, all tasks of the first project NFTs 2 me are completed.

GhostNFT (6 tasks, 35 points)

Task 1: Apply for Linea Testnet gNFT for Free (5 Points)

Enter the GhostNFT official website (click), and a banner for free application will automatically pop up. Simply click on it to enter the dedicated application page. Select the Linea test network, connect your MetaMask wallet, and click on Claim directly. As shown below:

After claiming, the system will automatically redirect you to your personal ghostAirdrop dashboard, where the claimed NFT will also appear.

Task 2: Register ERC 721 NFT collection and disperse at least 0.05 ETH (10 points)

Firstly, we need to create an ERC 721 NFT collection. Visit the NFT platform NFTs 2 Me from the first task again, click the "Drops" button to create; fill in all relevant information, including project name, token symbol, project description, etc.; upload the work, add metadata, and then connect the wallet; select the "Mint NFT" option and fill in all relevant information such as quantity and ownership address. As shown below:

Click the "Submit to Linea Testnet and Mint" button at the bottom and wait for network confirmation. After completion, copy the NFT contract address for easy registration with ghostNFT. As shown below:

Next, it's time to officially register your NFT collection on ghostNFT. First, visit the ghostNFT official website and make sure to select Linea Testnet.

Enter the NFT contract address copied earlier into the search box at the top - a window will automatically pop up as the collection has not yet been registered. At this point, you need to connect your wallet and continue filling in the required fields, with "Dispersion amount" filled in as 0.5 and the token selected as ETH. Finally, click the "Register" button at the bottom. See below for an example:

Task 3: Deposit your NFT collection on ghostNFT (5 points)

After successfully registering an NFT, paste its contract address into the search bar and click the "Explore NFT" button as shown below:

Select any NFT from the collection that appears, then click to view the NFT. Click the "Add Collateral" button to bring up a pop-up window, select ETH and enter the amount (0.14 ETH), and click the "Collateralize" button to collateralize.

Next, select DAI in the pop-up window, fill in the quantity as 10 , and click Approve. (Note: DAI can be exchanged on Uniswap on the Linea network).

Finally, our gNFT is successfully mortgaged, with a floor price set at 0.014 ETH and 10 DAI as shown below:

Task 4: Redeeming collateral through ghostNFT (5 points)

After finding gNFT, click the "Redeem" button to redeem the ETH and DAI collateral in order.

Task 5: GhostNFT - Add Collateral to GHOST NFT Series (5 points)

Visit the ghostAirdrop on the Linea testnet and click the "NFT Profile" button to enter the ghostNFT configuration file. As shown below:

Just like the previous method, click the "Add Collateral" button to bring up a pop-up window, and add ETH and DAI as collateral in order.

Finally, the base price of the NFT is set at 0.013 ETH and 10 DAI, as shown below:

Task 6: Redeeming Collateral from the GHOST NFT Series (5 points)

Find the gNFT and click the "Redeem" button to redeem the ETH and DAI collateral as shown below:

At this point, we have completed the six tasks of the GhostNFT platform.

Bilinear (5 tasks, 28 points)

Task 1: Mint NFT Collection (10 points)

Open the Bilinear official website, connect your MetaMask wallet address, sign the authorization and confirm the transaction. After logging in, click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the homepage and open the "My Collection" page. Click the "Add new Collection" button.

Upload collection images and cover images on the page, fill in all fields, and decide which token standard (ERC-721 or ERC-1155), supply and royalty to use. After filling in all fields, click the "Create Collection" button to create a new collection.

Confirm the transaction in the MetaMask pop-up window; after the casting is completed, the collection can be viewed in "My Collection".

Task 2: Mint an NFT (5 points)

Open the Bilinear official website, connect your MetaMask wallet address, sign the authorization and confirm the transaction. After logging in, click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the homepage and open the "My Collection" page to see all the collections that have been minted. Click on the collection created in the previous task to enter the collection details page, and click on "Add New NFT" in the upper right corner of the page to mint a new NFT. As shown below:

On the NFT creation page, upload the image, fill in all required fields, set the price, and click "Create NFT". Then wait for the MetaMask pop-up window to confirm the transaction. After the NFT is minted, you can see the newly minted NFT on the Collection details page.

Task 3: Buy an NFT (5 points)

Open the Bilinear official website, connect your MetaMask wallet address, sign the authorization and confirm the transaction. Click "View All" on the homepage to view the page containing all NFT collections; select an NFT collection, enter it and then select an NFT that you like, enter the details page; click "BUY NOW" to complete the task by paying the fee and gas (similar to the Opensea purchase process). As shown below:

Task 4: Sell an NFT (5 points)

Open the Bilinear official website, connect your MetaMask wallet address, sign the authorization and confirm the transaction. Click on "Profile" in the upper right corner to view the NFT collections you already own, select one and click to enter the details page. Click "Sell", set the price, and sign the transaction on the chain to complete the sale (similar to the Opensea purchase process). As shown below:

Task 5: Mint a Game NFT (3 points)

Open the Bilinear official website, connect your MetaMask wallet address, sign the authorization and confirm the transaction. Click "View All" on the homepage to view the page containing all NFT collections. In the search box, enter "Cataclysm: Zero Mission" directly - this is a game NFT launched by the Italian web3 company KNOBS. On the NFT collection details page, click the "Mint" button to complete the on-chain transaction and mint a game NFT. See below:

At this point, all five tasks of Bilinear have been completed.

Zonic (4 tasks, 18 points)

Task 1: Mint Linea Ape Zonic NFT Series on Apetimism (5 points)

Click to enter the Apetimism official website and connect your MetaMask wallet to authorize login. Simply select "Mint" to complete the minting process, with a minting fee of 0. Pay the on-chain GAS fee to proceed. See below for details:

Task 2: List an NFT on Zonic (3 points)

Open the Zonic official website, connect your wallet and authorize login, then open "My NFT" to view the NFTs you own on the Linea testnet. Select the Linea Ape Zonic NFT that we minted in the previous task, click "Sell NFT", enter the price and expiration time, and click "List Item". Wait for the on-chain transaction confirmation to complete the listing. The process is shown below:

Task 3: Buy an NFT on Zonic (5 points)

Open the Zonic official website and click the "Explore" button at the top to browse the NFTs listed on the platform. Choose one you like, click "Buy Now" to pay the fee, and wait for the on-chain transaction to complete. As shown below:

Task 4: Use Zonic's Transfer function to transfer an NFT (5 points)

Open the Zonic official website, connect your wallet and authorize login. Open "My NFT" to view the NFTs you own on the Linea testnet. Select the Linea Ape Zonic NFT that we minted in the previous task, click "Transfer NFT", enter the recipient address, and wait for the on-chain transaction to complete.

Congratulations on completing a total of 20 tasks in the third week. Odaily Star Daily will continue to update other tasks of the Linea test network in the future, so stay tuned.

Sorry, I am unable to translate the given content as it only contains HTML tags and an anchor tag with a link to an article. Please provide me with the actual text that needs to be translated.

#Test network#NFT
2023-05-19 17:08
原文标题:《 融资 700 万美元的隐私跨链协议 Webb Protocol 产品亮点及交互教程 》
Original source: ChainCatcher

On May 8, privacy interlink Protocol Webb Protocol announced the completion of a $7 million seed round led by Polychain Capital and Lemniscap.

With the support of well-known capital and large funds, Webb Protocol has also become the focus of attention in the crypto community. According to encrypted data platform Rootdata, Webb Protocol ranked the second in recent search popularity, and Sui network ranked the first.

I can't help wondering why Webb Protocol, a cross-chain product that is a little strange and only emerged due to financing, has attracted such high attention.

In fact, Webb Protocol privacy cross-chain protocol is not a cross-chain Bridge, but a cross-chain infrastructure. Based on zero-knowledge proof technology, the Tangle Network and the Hubble Bridge of privacy cross-chain bridge were developed.

So, how is Webb Protocol different from previous cross-chain products? What is the principle of Hubble Bridge for privacy cross-chain bridge? What is the user experience like?

What is the Webb protocol? Are there any bright spots?

Webb Protocol (Webb for short) is a privacy cross-chain infrastructure for a multi-chain world. It has developed a range of privacy tools and protocols based on technologies such as zero-knowledge proof (ZK) and Multi-party computing (MPC) solutions, designed to provide new privacy standards for information such as cross-chain applications, assets, data and location. The platform was founded by Drew Stone, co-founder of Commonwealth Labs, a decentralized community management platform.

Therefore, Webb is not a cross-chain bridge, but the underlying infrastructure used to build the cross-chain bridge, and can realize the privacy of message transmission. Developers can integrate or build cross-chain privacy applications based on the tools and facilities provided by the Webb protocol.

The core basic component of Webb protocol is actually Tangle Network, a blockchain built based on multi-party computing (MPC) technology, which mainly provides bridging and message transfer functions.

Tangle Network is an independent chain constructed by Webb based on Substrate (blockchain development framework) to provide cross-chain related services to users. It hopes to bridge the gap between any blockchain networks developed based on the likes of EVM, Substrate and Cosmos to enable information to be passed between networks.

It can be simply understood that Tangle Network is a bridge (intermediate chain) of architecture in different blockchain networks. It can transmit information between different blockchain networks through bridge. It can realize not only asset privacy cross-chain, but also application cross-chain.

Tangle Network Synchronizing messages on a network

The relationship between Webb and Tangle Network could also be understood as that Webb was a privacy cross-chain underlying technical facility tool established based on Tangle network, and cross-chain message transmission was realized by Tangle network.

Specifically, Relayer, a repeater on Tangle Network, was responsible for message transmission and verification between different chains. Once the bridging information passed the verification, it would be signed by DKG (distributed private key technology) to synchronize the bridge information update.

Currently, developers can build privacy cross-chain applications based on Tangle Network blockchain developed by Webb, such as privacy cross-chain bridge, privacy identity proof application, privacy Swap, etc.

Hubble Bridge Private cross-chain bridge

Privacy cross-chain Bridge Hubble Bridge is the first user-oriented use case built by Webb based on Tangle Network, which is mainly used to transfer tokens between different blockchains in a private way, and it confuses users' cross-chain transaction history by using zero-knowledge proof.

The current cross-chain applications in the market, the transfer of assets between different blockchains is generally public information, anyone can track the user's transactions, and possibly use this information to find out their true identity. However, users have cross-chain privacy requirements, and the most well-known private transaction application is Tornado Cash, a coin mixing device on the Ethereum chain. However, it only supports private transactions of assets on a single Ethereum chain, and does not support asset cross-chain expansion. Webb is committed to increasing the privacy of cross-chain applications through zero-knowledge proof technology, for example, it can hide the source chain, cross-chain amount, target chain address and other related transaction information in the cross-chain process.

For this purpose, Webb provided an Anchor System (translated as anchor system), which is an interoperable privacy system based on zero-knowledge proof, mainly used to transfer assets between different blockchains in a private way. The Anchor System Bridges and tracks Merkle Tree data in block headers in different blockchain networks. At the same time, zero-knowledge proofs are used to obfuscate the user's transaction history.

The concrete cross-chain implementation principle is as follows: First, Hubble Bridge was built on the Tangle Network cross-chain network. The Anchor System bridged the block header data of source chain A and target chain B. When a cross-chain transaction request was issued, the Anchor System would receive the block data. Then, the Tangle Network repeater Relayer would forward the cross-chain request information and verify the authenticity of the information. Once the verification was effective, target chain B would be informed to receive or extract assets.

For example, Xiaoming wants to transfer 10ETH on Polygon to Arbitrum chain. At this time, Xiaoming initiates a request data for transferring 10ETH on Polygon, which needs to be encapsulated into 10webbETH on the target chain and stored in the privacy pool, which does not display the specific asset name. The Anchor System can synchronize the 10ETH request data to the Arbitrum chain. After verification, Xiao Ming's operation is effective, which means that Xiao Ming can transfer these webbWETH assets or part of them to the new private address public key with the transaction data, and the types of transferred assets can be hidden. webbWETH can then be unsealed to another address (similar to Tornado cash).

At this time, the user is involved in a total of 3 addresses. The original address is stored in the asset -- transferred to the public key address (private address) -- unsealed asset to the address, and so on. Then the user cannot trace your transaction.

At present, Hubble Bridge test version is online and supports asset transfer and extraction between Ethereum Goeril, Polygon Mubai, Arbitrum Goeril, Avalanche Fuji and other networks. Users can use the beta experience to move assets between different blockchains.

Interactive tutorial on Hubble Bridge (Take transferring ETH to Arbitrum from Goeril test network as an example.)

1) Hubble Bridge test net (https://app.webb.tools/#/bridge). Connect the Metamask wallet and switch to the Goeril network. The user needs to create a NoteAccount (which is used to connect the MetaMask wallet address to the public key);

2) Wrap and Deposit assets, select source chain and target chain, and input the amount of cross-chain assets. After submission, the cross-chain assets will be packaged into webb assets, such as ETH as webbETH.

It should be noted that a Spend note (withdrawal note) will be generated when the Deposit is submitted and needs to be copied. The withdrawal note records the details of the specific information of each transaction (such as private key and transfer amount) and users need to keep it confidential, because the holders of such information can withdraw the users' funds from the bridge. In addition, the transaction information is encrypted on the chain and stored on the local computer's hard drive. Users can use it to manage their assets.

3) Private transfer. Before transferring money, users can create a second private address, such as logging in with another wallet and creating an account, recording the public key;

Select Transfer token and target chain, enter the quantity, in the input step receiver address public key, click Transfer;

4) Unwrap and extract assets (Unwrap). Users can unwrap cross-chain assets to other assets or other addresses. Select Token, Unwrap asset type, amount, remaining assets, and receiving address (new receiving address can be filled in).

Because of this, users can transfer assets between different addresses with Hubble Bridge.

In addition, since Hubble Bridge is still in the test stage, some functions may not be available in the interaction process.

Original link
#Webb Protocol#Tangle Network#Hubble Bridge
2023-05-17 15:22

Recently, Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon, responded to comments on social media regarding the "Zk hype far exceeding actual user demand" by stating that the Polygon zkEVM ecosystem is preparing for critical infrastructure such as Safe, oracles such as Chainlink, UX improvements based on early developer feedback, and cost optimization using data compression. Additionally, there are no rules stating that issued tokens cannot be airdropped on a large scale. It cannot be denied that Polygon is always in high demand.

As a practitioner in the encryption industry, I can translate the following Chinese text to English without considering the context or industry-specific terms and names. English words and phrases, as well as capitalized English words and phrases, should not be translated or omitted, such as ZKS, STARK, and SCROLL. English characters in hyperlink tags should not be translated and should be returned as is. When the content only contains punctuation marks, the punctuation marks should be returned as is. HTML tags in the content, such as

, , , and

, should not be translated. If the HTML tags contain English characters, they should be omitted and returned as is. The content in hyperlink tags should be preserved and not translated. All Chinese characters should be translated.

From the previous text, it can be inferred that Polygon zkEVM is not just a hype for expected airdrops, but is likely to have large-scale airdrops in the future. Sandeep also mentioned that "first it will rain, then it would POUR," indicating that zkEVM is currently in the drizzle stage before the pouring rain. We need to seize the opportunity to interact with Polygon zkEVM.

Polygon zkEVM Introduction

Polygon zkEVM is an Ethereum Layer2 zkEVM scaling solution built on ZK Rollup technology. ZK Rollup utilizes "zero-knowledge proofs" to implement the Rollup scaling solution.

Under the ZK Rollup scaling solution, transactions and complex calculations are executed off-chain (Layer2), and after compressing and packaging multiple transaction data in batches, a "zero-knowledge proof" result of off-chain computation is created and submitted to the main network (Layer1) for proof verification. Validators on the main network can quickly check whether this proof is correct and store the data portion on the main network to share its security.

DefiLlama data shows that as of the time of writing, the TVL of Polygon zkEVM has reached $2.89 million.

Currently, there are not many projects supported by Polygon zkEVM. This article selects three applications for interactive experience. Next, we will bring you the interactive tutorial of Polygon zkEVM.

Polygon zkevm Interaction

Adding Networks and Bridges

Firstly, go to Chainlist and add the network, then select Polygon zkEVM to add to the MetaMask wallet.

Enter the Polygon zkEVM Bridge website, connect your MetaMask wallet, and select the amount to bridge from Ethereum mainnet to Polygon zkEVM.

There is a usage agreement at the bottom of this interface. You need to enter "I UNDERSTAND" in the blank space before you can perform the cross-bridge operation. Please note that manual input is required and copy-pasting is not allowed.

However, currently the gas fees for crossing from the Ethereum mainnet or L2 to Polygon zkEVM via the official bridge are relatively high. In addition, you can also choose to use third-party cross-chain apps for bridging operations, and we recommend using Bungee or Orbiter.



After the bridge crossing, interact with Polygon zkEVM and click on their official website here. Based on your amount, choose between ETH-USDC swap and ETH-MATIC swap, and authorize your wallet (it is recommended to choose 1/4 of the total amount of ETH for each swap).

Next, click on the pool and select the ETH-USDC (according to your chosen token pair) trading pair to add liquidity;

Select "Manual", select the corresponding ETH and USDC, approve and preview.

After completing the above steps, you can see your LP.


Next, use the 0VIX protocol. Click on the 0VIX official website, connect your wallet, and confirm that the network is Polygon zkEVM.

Click on MATIC-Supply in Supply Markets, select 10 MATIC and confirm; then click on MATIC-Borrow in Borrow Markets, select 7 MATIC and confirm.

Later, click Repay all funds in Borrowed Assets, and then click Withdraw all funds in Supplied Assets.


DoveSwap is currently the second-ranked DEX on Polygon zkEVM. Its interaction process is also very simple. Select ETH-USDC swap, then click Pools, and add liquidity based on your own asset situation.

After completing the above steps, you will be able to view nearly 20 transaction records on Polygon zkEVM. You can check the transaction status on the Polygon zkEVM browser, paying attention to gas consumption and network selection. Additionally, patience is required for this tutorial.


In the future, Uniswap and AAVE will also be integrated into Polygon zkEVM, which is expected to be launched in a few weeks; while Immutable is also working with Polygon Labs to build Immuable zkEVM, a game-specific chain that uses zero-knowledge technology. Perhaps as Sandeep said, "first it will rain, then it would POUR", looking forward to more applications being integrated with Polygon zkEVM, and users who interact will receive generous rewards.

Welcome to the official community of BlockBeats on Lofter.

Telegram subscription group: https://t.me/theblockbeats

Telegram communication group: https://t.me/theblockbeatsApp

Twitter official account: https://twitter.com/BlockBeatsAsia

2023-05-16 14:58

Recently, Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon, responded to comments on social media regarding the "Zk hype far exceeding actual user demand" by stating that the Polygon zkEVM ecosystem is preparing for critical infrastructure such as Safe, oracles such as Chainlink, UX improvements based on early developer feedback, and cost optimization using data compression. Additionally, there are no rules stating that issued tokens cannot be airdropped on a large scale. It cannot be denied that Polygon is always in high demand.

As a practitioner in the encryption industry, I can translate the following Chinese text to English without considering the context or industry-specific terms and names. English words and phrases, as well as capitalized English words and phrases, should not be translated or omitted, such as ZKS, STARK, and SCROLL. English characters in hyperlink tags should not be translated and should be returned as is. When the content only contains punctuation marks, the punctuation marks should be returned as is. HTML tags in the content, such as

, , , and

, should not be translated. If the HTML tags contain English characters, they should be omitted and returned as is. The content in hyperlink tags should be preserved and not translated. All Chinese characters should be translated.

From the previous text, it can be inferred that Polygon zkEVM is not just a hype for expected airdrops, but is likely to have large-scale airdrops in the future. Sandeep also mentioned that "first it will rain, then it would POUR," indicating that zkEVM is currently in the drizzle stage before the pouring rain. We need to seize the opportunity to interact with Polygon zkEVM.

Polygon zkEVM Introduction

Polygon zkEVM is an Ethereum Layer2 zkEVM scaling solution built on ZK Rollup technology. ZK Rollup utilizes "zero-knowledge proofs" to implement the scaling solution.

Under the ZK Rollup scaling solution, transactions and complex calculations are executed off-chain (Layer2), and after compressing and packaging multiple transaction data in batches, a "zero-knowledge proof" result of off-chain computation is created and submitted to the main network (Layer1) for proof verification. Validators on the main network can quickly check whether this proof is correct and store the data portion on the main network to share its security.

DefiLlama data shows that as of the time of writing, the TVL of Polygon zkEVM has reached $2.89 million.

Currently, there are not many projects supported by Polygon zkEVM. This article selects three applications for interactive experience. Next, we will bring you the interactive tutorial of Polygon zkEVM.

Polygon zkevm Interaction

Adding Networks and Bridges

Firstly, go to Chainlist and add the network, then select Polygon zkEVM to add to the MetaMask wallet.

Enter the Polygon zkEVM Bridge website, connect your MetaMask wallet, and select the amount to bridge from Ethereum mainnet to Polygon zkEVM.

There is a usage agreement at the bottom of this interface. You need to enter "I UNDERSTAND" in the blank space before you can perform the cross-bridge operation. Please note that manual input is required and copy-pasting is not allowed.

However, currently the Gas fees for crossing from the Ethereum mainnet or L2 to Polygon zkEVM through the official bridge are relatively high. In addition, you can also choose to use third-party cross-chain apps for bridging operations, and we recommend using Bungee or Orbiter;

After verification, Orbiter Gas is slightly lower than Bungee, so this tutorial selects Orbiter as the cross-bridge app.



After the bridge crossing, interact with Polygon zkEVM and click on their official website. Depending on the amount, choose between ETH-USDC swap and ETH-MATIC swap, and authorize your wallet (we recommend swapping one-fourth of the total amount of ETH for each).

Next, click on the pool and select the ETH-USDC (according to your chosen token pair) trading pair to add liquidity;

Select "Manual", select the corresponding ETH and USDC, approve and preview.

After completing the above steps, you can see your LP.


Click on MATIC-Supply in Supply Markets, select 10 MATIC and confirm; then click on MATIC-Borrow in Borrow Markets, select 7 MATIC and confirm.

Later, click Repay all funds in Borrowed Assets, and then click Withdraw all funds in Supplied Assets.


DoveSwap is currently the second-ranked DEX on Polygon zkEVM. Its interaction process is also very simple. Select ETH-USDC swap, then click Pools, and add liquidity based on your own asset situation.

After completing the above steps, you will be able to view nearly 20 transaction records on Polygon zkEVM. You can check the transaction status on the Polygon zkEVM browser, paying attention to gas consumption and network selection. Additionally, patience is required for this tutorial.


In the future, Uniswap and AAVE will also be integrated into Polygon zkEVM, which is expected to be launched in a few weeks; while Immutable is also working with Polygon Labs to build Immuable zkEVM, a game-specific chain that uses zero-knowledge technology. Perhaps as Sandeep said, "first it will rain, then it would POUR", looking forward to more applications being integrated with Polygon zkEVM, and users who interact will receive generous rewards.

Welcome to the official community of BlockBeats on Lofter.

Telegram subscription group: https://t.me/theblockbeats

Telegram communication group: https://t.me/theblockbeatsApp

Twitter official account: https://twitter.com/BlockBeatsAsia

2023-05-16 14:58
Original source: @Greta0086, encrypted KOL

@PolyhedraZK joined the Galaxy Loyalty Program, only more than 3000 people participate. How can no one do this project that has fused 25 million u? Take a break and don’t hit the dog! Do it quickly, this point should be an incentive.   

A total of 7 tasks.

Task 1: Follow Twitter @PolyhedraZK  Enter DC (https: //discord.com/invite/WkjUe5tfZP)    

Task 2:< /b>Send a Cobee NFT from BNB Chain to Combo Network. Cobee's mint campaign (https://combonetwork.io /mint) is over, you can only buy it.  

Purchase address: https://opensea.io/collection/cobee-combo.

After buying, go to https://zkbridge.com/nft, enter the contract address 0x9e8C1e7B35f646A606644a5532C6103C647938cf in the box, and click Import.

Select the NFT you just bought and click confirm , and then click confirm import. 4 steps appear, click Next, choose combo for network, and then click Next. Wait a while for the progress bar interface to appear. Finally click claim. Note that you need to cross-test the bnb to combo from the bsc test network in advance.

The link is as follows (http://combo-bridge-testnet.nodereal.io).

Task 3: Send a cross-chain message using Greenfield zkMessenger. Go to this link: https://zkbridge.com/ messenger Select the initial chain, the final chain and the address point to send the information, and confirm it in the wallet.   

Task Four:Claim your Mainnet Alpha NFT. Enter https://zkbridge.com/nft -faucet Choose bsc (at https://zkbridge.com/ nft-faucet mint's both eth and bsc chains are called Loyalty Program), just request one directly.   


Task five:Transfer a Mainnet Alpha NFT Enter https://zkbridge.com/nft Just select the import of mint just now. Then send it, you can, the steps are the same as task two. (It seems that nft needs to be from mint last month, and the display of mint just now is not my own...)  

  Task Six:Claim your Loyalty Progarm NFT Enter https://zkbridge.com/nft -faucet Select the eth chain, just mint directly.   

< p>  Task Seven:Transfer a Loyalty Program NFT Enter https://zkbridge.com/nft Select the eth chain to select this nft and send it. The steps are the same as task five.

Original link

#PolyHedra Network
2023-05-10 11:22

One of the most anticipated projects in 2023, Native, led by Nomad Capital, has launched its first large-scale event. Participants can receive airdropped NFTs by participating in the event. The NFTs are divided into 4 levels, and according to the event information, NFTs of different levels have important value in the initial allocation of governance tokens. These NFTs play a crucial role in the allocation process, ensuring fair and well-structured distribution within the community.

By holding NFT, you can expect to receive future airdrops. So let's learn how to participate in the event.

One, Activity Strategy

1. Overall Participation Strategy

Get the highest score and improve your ranking.

Source of scores: zealy tasks and dex transactions.

2. zealy Specific Tasks

Click on the task link: https://zealy.io/c/nativefi/questboard

After entering, you can see that the tasks are divided into 6 types, namely: Daily, Fast Traders, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Partnership.


translates to

2. Task Introduction

in English.

1. Daily

Everyday tasks can be participated in once a day, don't miss out.

-You can use the official dex of Native or other KOL's dex to conduct a $10 transaction, and then submit your bscscan on-chain transaction query link.

- After submission, the team will review the transaction records.

- Follow us on Twitter, join Telegram, and invite your friends.

- Follow us on Twitter, join our Discord, and then tweet about your trading experience (including trading volume) using the hashtag #beyourowndex and tagging @native_fi.

2. Fast Traders

(Note: This content contains HTML tags and English characters, which will not be translated. The content will be returned as is.)

-Use the official dex of Native to make a minimum $5000 transaction, and then submit your bscscan on-chain transaction query link.

- Use the dex of any KOL on the Native official website to make a minimum $1000 transaction, and then submit your bscscan on-chain transaction query link.

- Use the dex of any KOL on the Native official website to make a transaction of at least $5000, and then submit your bscscan transaction query link.

3. Twitter

This screenshot is taken after completing the Daily task.

-Retweet and like designated tweets.

-Add a sentence to your Twitter profile: Join the Clash of Traders at http://native.org/competition

-Add 2 lizard emojis after your Twitter name and submit the link.

-Post a tweet about this trading event and receive 20 retweets. Submit the tweet link.

-Publish a tweet about the trading activity with the tag #beyourowndex @native_fi and submit the tweet link.

- Forward, like and specify a tweet, create a Native meme, post the tweet and tag Native, and submit the tweet link.

4. Telegram

If you have completed the above Daily, the first task will disappear and you can start working on the second task.

-Copy text:

「Announcing Chameleon Clash of Traders

Starting May 1st - May 15, we will be launching a trading competition where you can earn 1 of 4 tiered #NFTs that will play a SIGNIFICANT role in our governance token distribution...

Full details!


Post to three TG communities and take a screenshot.

-Need to take a screenshot and upload your TG account that you participated in the activity, and prove that this account belongs to you. The project party will check whether your activity is always in the top 10. This activity task requires you to be active on TG all the time and maintain a top 10 active status during the activity period.

5. Discord

The first task and the second task are to join dc and verify it in dc, respectively. If you have joined dc and verified it in Daily, this will disappear directly. The third activity will be introduced next.

-Copy the required text:

「Announcing Chameleon Clash of Traders

Starting May 1st - May 15, we will be launching a trading competition where you can earn 1 of 4 tiered #NFTs that will play a SIGNIFICANT role in our governance token distribution...

Full details!


Send to 3 Discord servers and take a screenshot.

- Similar to the active tasks in TG, upload your Discord account personal profile page to participate in the task and prove that it is your account. Stay active in DC and be one of the top 10 users throughout the event to be eligible for rewards.

- Verify through the wallet in DC and submit the wallet address.- Obtain OG identity group

-After that, you just need to be active in DC to obtain the corresponding level and identity group.

6. Partnership

(Note: This content contains HTML tags and English characters, which will not be translated. The content will be returned as is.)

转发点赞指定推文 -> Forward, like, and specify a tweet

After completing the Zealy task above, the only thing left is dex trading.

Three, Trading Strategy

1. You can use the official dex or choose another KOL's dex.

2. Try to increase your total accumulated transaction amount as much as possible.

3. Do not always trade in one cryptocurrency. Trade in multiple cryptocurrencies because the number of trading pairs is also a scoring point.

4. The number of days of trading will also be considered, so try to trade every day if possible.

Four, Score Ranking

On the Native official website, you can see your ranking, https://native.org/competition/.

You can check your own data. This ranking is based on the comprehensive analysis of your trading data and Zealy's XP score.

Fifth, why is this activity worth participating in?

Native belongs to a new track, and the project is very innovative, breaking the traditional impression of dex. The story is not clichéd and it does indeed solve many pain points for project parties.

Investment institution background, although only Nomad Capital has been publicly announced at present, the resources behind it are very good based on the project's partners.

The activity rules indicate that NFT has significant value in the initial allocation of governance tokens, suggesting that the future tokens will be related to this NFT.

Related Information





Activity Document:


cointelegraph Article: https://cointelegraph.com/news/how-can-blockchain-projects-benefit-from-deploying-their-own-dex

cointelegraph Article Chinese Version:


KOL Sharing Article:


Strategy Editor: Big River Sister


This article is from a submission and does not represent the views of BlockBeats.

#The currency
2023-05-08 17:51
The Modular Blockchain -- A Mantle Test Course
Original article by zflab.eth

Mantle Core, an Ethereum layer 2 network developed by the largest DAO BitDAO, submitted a proposal in BitDAO's governance forum on February 26. Mantle EcoFund, a $200 million Web3 eco-fund, is proposed to promote adoption of the Mantle Network by developers and DApps.

Mantle is a high-performance Layer 2 network of Ethereum, which adopts modular architecture and provides low cost and high security. Builders can take advantage of Mantle's unique design to build DApps with excellent user experience, while relying on Ethereum's unparalleled security.

More details see the official document: docs. Mantle. Xyz/introducing - mantle/a, gentle, and the introduction

Now let's start our test

1) Set up the network chainlist.org/?search=mantle& testnets=true, click Add

  The OKX Wallet test is recommended here (smooth and silky, no network switching).  

Manually add a network

Network name: Mantle Testnet

RPC URL:https://rpc.testnet.mantle.xyz

ID: 5001

Symbol: BIT

Blocks the browser (optional) : https://explorer.testnet.mantle.xyz

2) Get Goerli ETH test coins. For those who do not know Goerli's collection address, go directly to the test coin column in the treasure box. There are 11 ways to get it:


OKX Wallet also has a built-in faucet

3) collect $BIT test coin faucet. Testnet. Mantle. Xyz, accept OKX Wallet purse

3.1 Here, pay attention to send a tweet, authorization verification tweet, fill in Mint address and mint quantity. Click on Mint Token and OKX Wallet pops up to confirm. (Note that there is an interval between 1 and 1000, with a maximum of 1000.)

4) Cross-chain interaction. Enter the address bridge across the chain. The testnet. Mantle. Xyz/deposit, link OKX Wallet

5) Cross testcoins from Goerli to Mantle Testnet

5.1 Enter the number of GETH and click Deposit.

  5.2 Straddle the newly obtained BIT


7) MantleSwap is the Premier dex on the mantle Network

Now let's use MantleSwap to interact

7.1 into the testing network: testnet.mantleswap.org/swap, and link OKX Wallet

  7.2 Swap. Exchange a BIT for a bit.  

  MANT added to wallet.  

  7.3 Liquidity

7.4 the POOL

And here you can see what happens when you add liquidity. Liquidity can be added or removed.


Other features you can explore.

8) Finally complete the C3 task to obtain the DC role. zealy.io/c/mantle/invite/0T5udtrwG9-ufHXJHC-dp

The above is a simple test step for Mantle. This article is for learning purposes only and is not intended as investment advice.    

Original link
#The etheric fang#Modular
2023-04-18 11:36

Miss ARB airdrop, don't worry, Crypto industry will always have opportunities, as long as you have the execution ability to get the next opportunity, this article will introduce a good project - ZetaChain.

ZetaChain Profile

ZetaChain is a decentralized L1 blockchain with built-in cross-chain interoperability designed to connect all blockchains. The team will reward approved qualified participants who actively contribute to the test network, its official said recently.

No funding information has been released, but Delphi Digital, The Spartan Group, Amber Group and a number of large VCS have been observed following ZetaChain's official social media feeds, suggesting that these VCS are likely to invest in ZetaChain.

Overall, ZetaChain is a project worth interacting with right now.

ZetaChain interactive tutorial

Test net interaction first (cross-chain swap)

We need some Goerli ETH;

Added a little Fox.Mumbai testnet  Network;

Application  MATIC test coin, need to retweet;

Enter  Zeta  Website, click Get ZETA, verify and authorize Twitter and connect to Ethereum accounts;

(BlockBeats note: It takes more than one month to sign up for Twitter)

Click Get  ZETA test coin;

If you do not receive a ZETA, there is another way to go through itOfficial DC  Faucet ZETA Go to the official DC and verify. Click on the "zeta faucet" channel and enter "Zeta faucet drip" followed by "wallet address" to receive ZETA test coins.

Next do Swap and click to enterOfficial website, select tMATIC from Goerli to Polygon Mumbai for ZETA Swap via Cross-Chain Swap, click wallet to confirm;

(BlcokBeats Note: this cross-chain Swap requires higher gETH as Gas)

Next switch the network to Polygon Mumbai and Swap some tMATIC across the chain to BSC Testnet's tBNB (normally this would take a few minutes).

After the completion of this process, you will get certain points, which can be done several times a week to increase the account points.

GALXE website

Go next.GALXE website  claim OAT, select the Available OAT to claim;

After that, there are still two Oats that cannot be claimed. You need to fill in the Google Email and Ethereum addresses, and claim them by completing quiz. They are:

-ZETA Assimilated 101 OAT  quiz: 4134124

-ZETA Assimilated 201 OAT  quiz, Answer: 3122432

By answering the question, you can claim the corresponding OAT after verification.

Zeta  Crew 3

Complete its Crew 3 mission and enter it.Crew 3, complete the task as required to receive points.


Access to its social aggregation platform  Guild  And verify.


For now, ZetaChain has confirmed that it will reward test net participants by simply tapping your finger to do at least a certain number of test net cross-chain swaps per week or per month to keep you active and increase your score.

Reference link
#layer 1#Arbitrum
2023-03-22 15:06
原文标题:《 Qualify in ZkSync Airdrop- Complete Guide sync 交互教程 》

Original article by Airdropverse
Crush, "Biteye" community

Miss Arbitrum, don't miss this opportunity for ZkSync (main net + test net)!

01 Brief Introduction

ZkSync is a Layer 2 Ethereum extension solution built on top of Zk Rollup. In short, it helps save users on-chain Gas costs and is faster than Layer 1.

The project has raised $458 million, led by some of the biggest venture capitalists, such as Blockchain Captital and A16z.


That means ZkSync airdrops could be worth a lot of money, and they could happen soon, because the crypto market is getting better and it's a good time to launch their tokens.

02 How do I qualify for ZkSync Airdrop?

All of these standards are guesses, and ZkSync is probably a snapshot done, so do your own research before investing.

Main network task

Use the official bridge to cross the chain in the trading platform to make transactions Foundry NFT browse all available dAppGitcoin donations

Test network task

Receive the test coins and interact with the available apps in the network to experience the features of these APP products and experiences

Join Crew3

Complete all missions in Crew3

Please set up your wallet before you begin

1. Go here : 


2. Connect your wallet

3. Select Include test network

4. Search for "ZkSync" and click "Add to Metamask" to add the two networks.


03 ZkSync Main Network Task

Arbitrum 最近通过在 Arbitrum 主网上的交易和交易量来分配 Token ,向几乎所有的用户进行了空投。

Zksync mainnet is up and they can take the same approach, so let's see what we can do with mainnet.

Use the official bridge to cross the chain

1. Visit here:


2. Connect the wallet and click "Top up"; Top up


3. Scroll to the bottom and select "ZkSync"


4. Cross-link some ETH from Ethereum main network to Zksync main network


Note: Since you are operating on the main network, this will cost you a Gas fee of around $2-3.

Casting NFT

1. Visit here:


2. Log in with your GitHub account

3. Click upload and select any image

4. Click 'upload' to upload it

5. Copy your file CID (see screenshot below)


6. Visit here:


7. Connect your wallet

8. Click on "Mint NFT" and then "Sign Account Activation"


9. Paste the CID number you copied in the content address box

10. Click "Mint NFT"


11. Click "Procced to Mint" to continue casting, then confirm at Metamask


12. Wait a few minutes to complete the transaction

04 Browse DApps on the main network

There are only a few DApps available, and using them can increase your chances of getting an airdrop.

Orbiter Finance

1. Visit the link:

https://www.orbiter.finance/?source=Ethereum& dest=ZKSync

2. Perform ETH cross-link between the Ethereum main network and the Zksync main network

3. Cross-link again from ZkSync to Ethereum

Note: Orbiter supports multiple chains, but in most cases please use Ethereum mainnet.

(Note: ETH in ZkSync can be returned to the main network without cross-linking, please note that in addition to the individual interactive Orbiter, please use the official bridge for cross-linking.)


Trade on ZigZag

Zigzag recently conducted an airdrop to the community congratulating all eligible users. Don't stop trading on Zigzag, this will help with ZkSync airdrops.

1. Visit the link:

https://trade.zigzag.exchange/?market=ETH-USDC& network=zksync

2. Connect your wallet

3. Do some deals on the main ZkSync network


Note: You can increase the volume of Zksync mainnet by making a few transactions each week, which will help.

05Gitcoin Donation

Many of us have tried to use the Zksync main website to donate to Gitcoin before, but the new issue is not open for now. If there are new fundraising activities in the future, we can donate some more funds through Zksync.

(Note: If you've never interacted with Gitcoin through ZkSync, you can still use ZkSync to donate to Gitcoin, even without a fundraiser. Welcome to support our public welfare project Chaineye: https://bounties.gitcoin.co/grants/4655/chaineye)

06 Test network tasks

我们从一开始就在关注他们的测试网任务,他们的 Zkync Era Georli 测试网现在已经上线了。让我们使用它,并希望他们也将为测试网用户提供一些空投 Token 。

领取测试 Token

1. Visit the link:


2. Connect your wallet

3. 点击「Request Faucets」并发推特以领取测试 Token

Note: If the ZkSync Era Georli test coins are not available, you can use the following address to collect them.


1. Visit the link:


2. 通过粘贴您的钱包地址领取以太坊 Georli 测试网 Token

Use all the important features on this page

1. Access link:  


2. Cross-link some ETH from Ethereum Geroli test net to ZkSync Era test net


Note: It takes some time to cross chains, so be patient.

3. Click "wallet" after completing the cross-link

4. Transfer some funds to any other wallet

5. Receive some funds from any other wallet


07 Explore DApps in Era Georli test network

ZkSync Era 测试网中有许多 DEX,但我会建议您使用没有自己 Token 的某些 DEX。因此,我们也可以有资格获得他们自己的空投。


We've shared this project before, and I think most of our users already have Travaera 1.0 citizenship on the main Web. You can use this ID to play games and earn Karma Points on the main net.

Travaera 2.0 is launched on the ZkSync Beta Network, and you can still cast Citizenship and Guardian NFT on the Beta network, and play games to earn Karma Points on the Beta network.

Let's go straight to work!

1. Visit the link:


2. Connect your wallet

3. Forge citizenship and Guardian NFT

Note: You will need to have ETH on the ZkSync Geroli test net to cast citizenship and on the Ethereum Georli Test net to cast Guardian NFT.


4. After casting, click "PLAY GAME"


5. This game is very simple and fun, and the better you play it, the more Karma Points you will earn.

6. 可能未来可以将这些 Karma Points 转换为主网 Token


1. Visit this website:


2. Receive Synswap test coins

3. Then, use all available features such as:

交换 Token 在流动性池中选择交易对添加和移除流动性


4. Visit this page:  


5. Join Discord:  


6. Get Guild roles


1. Visit this website:  


2. Connect with the ZkSync Era Georli wallet

3. Use all available features

Convert ETH to Mute tokens and other tokens to provide/remove liquidity for all possible currency pairs



1. Visit this website:


2. Use all available features

交换 Token 跨链 Token 使用 Farm 并提供流动性铸造 NFT 等


3. Join Crew3:


4. Complete all available tasks on Crew3

08 Add ZkSync Crew3

1. Visit this website:


2. Join Discord:


3. Follow Twitter:


4. Complete all available and upcoming missions on Crew3

Important: Stay active on the main network and test network every week or at least two weeks.

Translator supplement

This article does a good job of summarizing most of the projects worth interacting with in ZkSync, including the mainnet and Testnet projects, but keep the following interaction points in mind to prevent witch attacks during interaction:

1) High-frequency and monthly continuous interaction;

2) Multi-protocol interaction;    

3) Guaranteed number of transactions (transaction records can be found at https://zkscan.io/)      

4) For the sake of safety, do not put too many assets in the interactive account, and can appropriately retain small assets after the interaction;

In addition to the projects mentioned in this article, Biteye has prepared a detailed list of interactions.

For details, click the image below:


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#zkSync#ZK Rollup#Layer2#The etheric fang
2023-03-21 17:50
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