Puell Multiple is an indicator to evaluate the profitability of miners. It is calculated by comparing Bitcoin's daily newly issued token market capitalization to its 365-day moving average. Because the daily new Bitcoins in the market are obtained by miners. Therefore, the market value of newly issued Bitcoin tokens every day represents the profits of miners. Through the market's miner income, Puell Multiple can simultaneously reflect price changes, thereby assisting in judging the market cycle.
Puell Multiple = Market value of newly issued tokens every day / 365-day moving average of market value of newly issued tokens every day Value
Puell Multiple can be used to evaluate miner profitability and Bitcoin market cycles. It is often used to assess macro market cyclical conditions and provide investors with buy/sell signals.
Historically, a Puell Multiple between 4.0-8.0 represents a market top; a Puell Multiple of less than 0.6 represents a market bottom. When it is above 1.0, miners are profitable; when it is below 1.0, miners are under income pressure.